I made the mistake of asking Bonnie, Sue, and Sandy to write a post for YofX on the train ride home. This is the silliness the ensued. Sue and Sandy are irredeemable. Bonnie is just young and impressionable. Check out her cool calculator earrings. Makes me want to pierce my ears.
While Hendree was focused on online instruction, Sandy was focused on the irrational. Her favorite workshops were about e and π. Then she figured out what was really on her mind was eating pie. Now, what goes well with pie? Apparently a drink called a WooWoo. But be careful if you share one of these drinks with Sue or Bonnie – lots of giggling is sure to follow. Hendree wanted to participate in the giggle-causing behavior, but first he had to show his ID. He forgot to tell us he was really only 16 – we thought he only skipped a year or two in school, but the boy genius does in fact teach at Tunxis.
Sue was focused on developmental math, stats, and March Madness. She figured any workshop with Madness in the title was good for her since she got November Madness upon arriving in DC. (She did miss her family, though, (LOL)!) One of the major things we co-travelers had to be sure not to do was get into a revolving door with Sue. If we wanted our feet to survive the acceleration! The trip ended with our favorite activity – shopping!! In fact, Sue had so much fun shopping; she almost caused us all to miss the train. And what item did she need to procure, you ask? A cigar (she is a closet cigar-smoker!)
Where do you find the most outrageous desserts in DC? At a bookstore, naturally! The Dining Divas managed to eat tapas, pastas, diner food, Asian fusion, but not Ethiopian food. (We owe Hendree that one.) In addition to all the extracurricular activities, we all managed to attend some really good workshops and you will probably be blessed with our enthusiasm and new ideas. Please be kind to us because we are all sleep-deprived.
Post by Sandy, Bonnie, and Sue.
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